How to Make Your Central Heating System Winter-Ready

With colder months approaching, you’ll most likely be relying on your home’s heating system once again. So let’s take this opportunity to check out how your system is holding up so that it can last the season with little or no problems.

How to Make Your Central Heating System Winter-Ready 0

Here’s a basic rundown of things you can quickly inspect to ensure your central heating system is in excellent running condition:

Seasonal Maintenance

There’s no better alternative than to have a professional heating service technician come and perform your seasonal maintenance. With over 50 years of experience, Anderson Air Corps is the leading heating and air conditioning specialist in Albuquerque.

Checking the Thermostat and the Furnace

That said, you want to start all inspections with your thermostat. Perform a simple check by turning up your thermostat and running the furnace. If the furnace starts then stops after a short while (about three minutes or less), it could mean that your furnace is short-cycling. If this happens, call for professional help right away.

For the heating service itself, you can also look at the flames in your furnace. You should see small blue flames with no tinge of orange or yellow. Any color other than blue could be a symptom of an improper air-fuel mix. A technician can help you re-adjust it to make the furnace burn as it should.

Air Circulation

Like your air conditioning, your heating service depends on air circulation. This is especially true for forced-air systems. To make sure that the air flows smoothly without any obstruction, you can begin by checking the filters. Filters must be replaced at least once every two to three months, depending on how much dirt has built up in them.

A professional inspection can also help you find any potential leaks in the ductwork or areas where mold, dirt and grime may have accumulated over the months. You can clean up any visible dust from the ducts and registers if they are accessible, but have a technician do it for you to be safe. Lastly, the combustion chamber must be cleaned of soot that typically collects during its normal usage.

For Superior Heating Service, Trust Only the Best

Call Anderson Air Corps today at (505) 855-9028 and get your heating system ready to face the winter! We serve Albuquerque and all nearby communities.