Why is Air Conditioner Capacity Measured in Tons?

Our team at Anderson Air Corps Heating & Cooling handles a variety of HVAC Service options including repair service, maintenance and installations. From air conditioner systems to heating units, we can handle it all. Each of our technicians are commonly asked questions on a variety of subjects, especially air conditioning. Home owners have a common interest in how the air conditioner units work, one of which is why an AC system has a capacity that is measured in tons. This is an interesting questions that dates back to the early history of the unit type.

Terminology used to describe AC technology is based on the origination of the unit type. The term ‘ton’ was originally the form of measurement based on pounds of winter ice that were harvested from lakes and rivers. The term was then transferred to the measure of heat that is extracted from the indoor space to create a cool home.

Before air conditioning, home owners would use ice that was harvested from bodies of water to create a cool home as well as for refrigeration purposes. Ice was a natural resource and could be used to extract heat from the air. Connecting the ice harvesting to modern air conditioning can be done. The measurement is based on the amount of energy that is required to melt one ton of ice in a twenty four hour time frame. This is 286,000 British thermal units or a rate of 12,000 BTUs each hour.

The BTU calculation is still used today to determine the rate needed for cooling the home. An air conditioner with a measurement of 1 ton will have a heat extraction rate of 12,000 BTUs each hour. A unit that has a measurement of 3 tons would take away 36,000 BTUs each hour.

By understanding the BTU calculations, our team can provide you with the correct HVAC air conditioning system in your home. The unit chosen will provide you with an excellent source of cooling that will be energy efficient for your home. You will use less energy and be better able to afford the cooling comfort in the home.

Manual J Calculations

In today’s industry, we use the Manual J Calculations to configure the unit load and sizing for your home. This method is recommended by state and federal government agencies which includes the United States Department of Energy. The calculation method will measure the amount of cooling needed in the home. Software programs have been created to easily input data to come up with the unit type needed for the home. Several factors play a role in cooling calculations including:

  • Average temperature and humidity locally
  • Orientation between the sun and home
  • Size of windows and how many are in the home
  • Air leakage rate
  • Insulation amount and quality
  • Occupants in the home as well as energy usage and scheduling
  • Coexistent systems

Each variable is then used to determine how much cooling is needed in the home on a room by room basis. The basis of cooling does not rely solely on the total square footage inside your home. The way to configure cooling loads in the home is quite interesting and helps you understand just home the comfort is tallied for each area of your home.

This is just one way our company can help you be comfortable during the summer season. Allow us to evaluate your home for proper cooling measurements or to provide you with repair and maintenance service when you need it most. Our team is ready to service you home cooling units at a moment’s notice. Contact us today to learn more about the many services we can provide your home!